Path 2 Self Wellness Center
Personal Training & Wellness Services in Gales Ferry CT
Book a free call below to learn more
How can we help you reach your health & fitness goals?
Here's How IT Works
We begin with a full body movement & wellness assessment to go over your specific needs, wants & goals. By assessing you as a whole person we will come up with a base line & lay out a custom plan to help you reach your goals most effectively.
We will then address your specific wants & needs through a custom exercise program, easy & effective nutrition & lifestyle plan. Guiding you through your journey every step of the way.
Once we begin to see results & reach our goals we begin to progress to new goals you couldn't have even imagined possible before you began this journey. Let's get started & see what you are capable of today.
Make The Change Today
Ready for a 7 day health reset?
Embark on one of our FREE 7-day courses to learn the foundations to unlocking your mobility & reduced stress.
Four Pillars Of Wellness
Movement is one pillar of wellness as poor quality movement patterns will ultimately lead to pain and injury. Without quality movement and daily exercise one will struggle to maintain a well balance and healthy life. Movement is one of your greatest medicines. Let us help you build custom training plan that will help you minimize pain and maximize performance.
Mental wellness & mindset are key to living a well rounded and healthy life. One can simply not possess a healthy body without a healthy mind as our body is a mirror for the mind. Optimal mental health comes from conscious and aligned beliefs, the ability to regulate ones emotions and nervous system in order to maintain healthy relationships and optimal wellbeing.
Nutrition is another pillar of wellness as we are quite literally what we eat. We can't expect good output if we have poor quality input. Nutrition is the foundation for optimal health as what we eat is either nourishing us or depleting us. Either decreasing or increasing inflammation and stress.
Rest comes in many forms the most important being sleep. We heal and repair when we sleep so optimal sleep is a must. Other forms of rest and recovery come through parasympathetic activities & movement like tai chi, qi gong, meditation, breathwork, slow yoga etc. Optimizing your recovery and sleep is one of the greatest medicines you can offer yourself.
1663 Ct-12 Gales Ferry CT
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